Community Grant Form
Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council has a grant scheme whereby local community groups can apply for financial assistance to help fund a project.
Who can apply?
The Parish Council is piloting a scheme to awards grants, at its discretion, to not-for-profit, charitable or volunteer organisations to help fund a project which will benefit communities within the Ansty and Staplefield parish.
Applications will not be considered from:
- Private individuals.
- Commercial organisations.
- Political parties
- Religious organisations unless for a purpose which does not discriminate on grounds of belief.
What can be funded?
The project should be something that improves the local community and or benefits residents of the parish.
Applications will not be granted to projects that:
- Support individuals or private business projects
- Are made by “for – profit” commercial organisations.
- Have already been completed.
- Are for grants in respect of ongoing expenditure or revenue running cost.
Projects demonstrating a proportion of self-funding will be favourably considered.
What is the application process?
A completed application form (see attached) should be received by the Clerk by 2nd December for consideration by the Council. The Parish Council will assess applications and hope to make decisions by the end of the year.
Conditions of grants.
- Financial support can only be used for the purpose for which the grant is given.
- Grants must not be distributed to any other organisation.
- Proof of appropriate spend shall be provided to Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council if requested.
- Should a project be cancelled for example, or the funds, or part of, not be required, then any surplus grant funds must be returned.
- Unless part of the objective of the event was specifically to raise funds for a community project, should an overall “profit” result from an event, the original grant money is to be returned.
For more information please contact the clerk via email on