What we do
Each year the Parish Council raises a precept on council tax payers to cover many of its expenses. The precept in the financial year 2018-2019 is £59617. Additional funds may also be obtained from the income received by hiring out sporting facilities and by obtaining grants from other bodies. Parish Council activities include:
- looking after parish property such as bus shelters, litter bins, seats and notice boards
- maintaining 43 street lights in the parish
- maintaining Staplefield Common including grass cutting and hiring out the cricket facilities and pavilion.
- maintaining the children’s play equipment at Staplefield Common
- takes bookings for the sports facilities at Ansty Recreation Ground – football, cricket and stoolball
- liaising with the County Council regarding traffic problems. The Parish Council successfully campaigned to reduce the speed limits to 30mph in the centre of Ansty, Staplefield and Brook Street. It is currently working with the County Council to improve pedestrian safety in Ansty.
- commenting on planning applications within the parish. Mid Sussex District Council make the final decision on planning applications but will take into account the views of the Parish Council. The Parish Council produced a Neighbourhood Plan which is now used by the planning authority (Mid Sussex District Council) when assessing planning applications.
- supporting local community projects such as the plans to build a new Village Centre in Ansty.
- conducting other projects in the parish such as a £60k drainage improvement scheme in Staplefield which was wholly funded with grants.
What do the County, District and Parish Councils do? Here is a simple guide
West Sussex County Council | Mid Sussex District Council | Ansty and Staplefield Parish Council |
is responsible for services across the whole of a county, like:
To report potholes, overgrown verges, overgrown trees and other highways matters please visit: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/roads-and-travel/report-a-problem-with-a-road-or-pavement/ |
Covers a much smaller area including Burgess Hill,
To report missed waste collections, overflowing dog bins and flytipping, or to view planning applications please visit: |
Covers just the parish. Responsibilities include: